Our partner Jalios has announced the launch of Jalios Open Suite, a complete, cloud based collaborative office suite. The collaboration between Jalios, BlueMind, and ONLYOFFICE is currently the most complete French sovereign solution on the market.


Jalios Open Suite


Jalios Open Suite is the first sovereign cloud based collaborative office suite with sufficient functionality to become an important alternative for American users. In this product, the provider and its two partners provide a set of communication and collaboration tools for enterprises, which have been tried and tested by millions of users to optimize team collaboration.

This product includes flagship Jalios Workplace components, such as JCall video conferencing integrated with Jitsi, Horizon instant messaging, JMail email management, and JCalendar integrated with BlueMind messaging, JTask project management, JDoc document management integrated with ONLYOFFICE office suite, as well as other existing features in Jalios Digital Workplace, such as blogs, wikis, notes, forms, collaborative workspaces, etc Community and site construction.



It is aimed at organizations of all sizes, from small and medium-sized enterprises to large corporations, and can be used as a SaaS subscription with floating pricing based on the number of users. Jalios Open Suite is hosted in a data center in France and can also be accessed in collaboration with 3DS Outscale in the SecNumCloud region, and will be available from OVH Cloud later this year.

Vincent Bouthors, CEO of Jalios:

Through Jalios Open Suite, we provide a complete solution for the French market, with validated components that cover all forms of collaboration, from email to collaborative workspaces, including co editing, video conferencing, online chatting, and more. Organizations can choose sovereignty: this is important for protecting their data.

Pierre Baudracco, CEO of BlueMind:

We have collaborated with Jalios multiple times and have already integrated solutions to meet the needs of our common customers. Open Suite accelerates this collaboration by integrating BlueMind instant messaging tools. The uniqueness of the open-source BlueMind solution in France lies in its combination of sovereignty and user satisfaction, making it the only native messaging solution that supports Outlook, providing the best support for Thunderbird, mobile devices, and modern web interfaces. BlueMind is recognized as a leading solution for messaging tools, and we are pleased to collaborate with Jalios to promote sovereignty and open source alternatives in the context of security and digital sovereignty issues that are more important than ever before for many organizations.

Products based on open technology and Jalios ecosystem

This sovereign alternative plan reinforces Jalios' commitment to the "Je choisis la French Tech" program, which aims to double public orders and major group purchases from startups in the French technology network, with publishers being one of them.

It integrates the office suite provided by ONLYOFFICE, and Jalios has been a partner of ONLYOFFICE since 2019. More than 40 Jalios customers are already using this solution, including major public accounts such as DINUM – Direction interminist é rielle du Num é rique (240000 users), as well as small institutions from the private and public sectors.

Artem Avdeev, ONLYOFFICE Sales Team Leader (Europe, Middle East, and Africa):

The ONLYOFFICE office suite provides many of the assets identified by Jalios in 2019, and we have worked together to create a smooth and efficient collaborative experience. Editing and co editing documents, presentations, or spreadsheets are natural in both individual and collective workflows within Jalios Open Suite. We look forward to expanding our cooperation in the future.

For video conferencing, the Jalios Open Suite product is based on an open-source Jitsi solution that integrates with its JCall application, providing a very smooth user path for video conferencing from multiple locations: email, online chat, people's profiles, etc. Other functional modules are provided natively by the Jalios solution, but if necessary, other solutions can always be integrated. The interoperability and openness capability of Jalios technology foundation is one of the main assets of editors.


It also benefits from the numerous additional components provided in the Jalios market, including digital learning, gamification, machine translation, commercial EDM integration, and more. It will soon showcase the latest innovations of publishers, especially in the field of generative artificial intelligence. This editor is the first JNLP application in the French market to integrate generative AI into its products, integrating solutions from various participants, including sovereign and open source participants. Once again, this approach is implemented by the publisher's dynamic partner ecosystem.

Nicolas Turlay, Alliance Manager of Jalios:

In France, we are fortunate to have a very rich and mature network of high-quality digital participants, from solution providers to ESNs, hosting companies, and consulting firms, providing highly competitive products. Fast growing software publishers like Jalios must contribute to the dynamics of such an ecosystem. This is a win-win situation, which ultimately means bringing more added value to our customers.

About Jalios

Jalios is a leader in the cloud and local intranet and digital workplace markets in France, with over 20 years of experience in the cloud and local intranet and digital workplace markets. Its mission is to make organizations more efficient, and in the long run, everyone's work is more fulfilling. Its sovereign collaboration platform is designed specifically for all employees, allowing them to stay connected, collaborate, and share knowledge both internally and externally, no matter where they are. It provides a complete, native collaborative, open, and interoperable digital work environment that integrates with customers' existing information systems.

This solution is scalable and customizable, and can be extended to external networks, social networks, collaboration platforms, document management, knowledge management, and e-learning needs.

Jalios has been awarded the label of "Responsible Digital" and currently has over 80 employees who are passionate about innovation. They rely on a recognized network of partners to support over 460 clients in the public, private, and volunteer sectors, from small and medium-sized enterprises to large clients, including Caisse des D é p ô ts, SFR Business, La Redoute, Syst è me U, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Solidarity and Health, MACIF, Yves Rocher Group, as well as numerous small and medium-sized enterprises, ETIs, cities, departments, and regions.

About BlueMind

BlueMind is a benchmark alternative to MS Exchange and 365. BlueMind is a sovereign open-source solution for collaborative enterprise messaging in France, providing comprehensive functionality in solutions designed around user satisfaction, such as email, calendar, contacts, etc. As the only native Outlook compatible solution on the market, they support collaborative Thunderbird, mobile, and web, enabling companies to break free from the constraints of American giants and become the most commonly used tools in professional fields on a daily basis. With BlueMind, digital sovereignty is finally compatible with user habits.