Good news! The ONLYOFFICE document for iOS is synchronized with the online editing of ONLYOFFICE documents and has been updated to version 8.0. Can change document language, search spreadsheet formulas, and other new features。

Change document language

You can now change the language of the document in the editor. This can correctly set up spell checking and hyphenation tools, thereby improving the accuracy of the document.

Path: File Editing Page ->Document Language

Search Formula

We have added a search formula feature to the spreadsheet. Simply type the formula name in the "Search" field and select the desired formula from the search results.

Path: Function icon in the bottom left corner of the screen ->Search bar

Recent formulas used

In addition, automatically displaying recently used formulas makes it easier to find formulas.

Path: Function icon in the bottom left corner of the screen ->Click on the search bar ->Last used

Cell Custom Format

Choose a custom format for cells to display data uniformly, such as postal code, phone number, or license plate number.

Path: Edit Icon ->Format ->Custom Format ->Create Custom Format

View worksheet in list format

Starting from version 8.0, all worksheets in the workbook can be viewed in the form of a list.

Path: List icon in the bottom left corner of the screen

Better compatibility with collaborative spaces

The compatibility with the collaboration platform ONLYOFFICE collaboration space is higher. Users can access documents in the room and edit and collaborate from iOS devices.

ONLYOFFICE Collaboration Space is an open-source collaboration platform where users can edit and collaborate on text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and forms. Users can also customize room management files and set flexible access permissions.

Path: Start Window ->ONLYOFFICE ->Connect to Cloud