Have you ever been troubled by these issues in your daily work:


The company's file management is chaotic: different documents are stored on different employees' personal computers, and corresponding employees must be found when needed。

Employees are difficult to control: due to personal reasons, employees unintentionally change/delete files or maliciously steal company confidential information, resulting in serious losses to the company。


Forgot to bring information: All work materials are stored on the company computer, during business trips, visiting clients, or at home, as the inability to find information restricts the progress of work。


Confidentiality leakage: Company confidential documents, such as financial statements, contracts, etc., whose security cannot be guaranteed, pose a risk of leakage。


Version confusion: If a document is repeatedly modified, approved, or a form needs to be filled out by multiple people, it is repeatedly transmitted on QQ or WeChat, and in the end, it is unknown which version is the latest。


Inefficient work: When new employees join, they ask for information everywhere; When employees leave, they casually take away company information。


WPS Enterprise Edition can comprehensively solve the above-mentioned difficulties and complications for you. Helping you easily manage enterprise data assets, ensuring the security of company assets, and improving employee office efficiency。


1、 Centralized management of enterprise documents


Full team


When you want to unify the management of company level documents and solve the problem of chaotic document management, you can use the "All Team" to store document materials. Members can view and use relevant materials here at any time, and new members can also learn independently here to systematically understand the relevant regulations and norms of the enterprise.

Department/Project Team


If you want to uniformly manage the files of a certain department/project, you can establish a team on WPS+cloud office platform and invite team members to join the team. When you upload or create team documents in the team, members of this team can view the corresponding document content in real-time, which is conducive to online collaboration with the team.

File Search

 If you are looking for documents, in addition to filtering through the team directory, you can also search for documents through the search bar, and there is no need to find employees to retrieve information separately



Supports multiple file formats


We also support various file formats such as brain maps, flowchart, forms, zip, etc., making your use more free

Team based enterprise document management can effectively avoid document fragmentation within the enterprise, and allow documents to flow freely between teams to generate greater value.


2、 Exclusive rights and interests of enterprises


Provide equity incentive mechanisms for small and medium-sized enterprises, and provide corresponding gradient equity in growth plans to meet the usage needs of enterprises at various stages of use. Continuously keeping the company active, you can enjoy exclusive corporate rights for free, and your daily use is not affected by space and file upload size limitations.


3、 Efficient multiplayer online collaboration


Multiple people editing at the same time, dynamic and visible collaboration in real-time;

Real time file storage; Farewell to repeated transmission, always seeing the latest version;

Through "collaborative records", document editing details can be traced, and through "historical versions", a previous version can be restored;

File link sharing, farewell to repeated transmission

Cloud documents also support rich interactive functions such as @ colleagues and comments, making team collaboration more convenient and communication more comprehensive.



4、 Multi terminal automatic synchronization across the entire platform, working anytime, anywhere


WPS+Cloud Office provides a full platform WPS Office, with work data automatically synchronized across the entire platform on PC, mobile, web, and other platforms. Whether you are on a business trip or at home, you can handle work anytime and anywhere:



5、 Document security and permissions, easy control for enterprises


The member and team permissions support flexible configuration, and can only be viewed, downloaded, edited, shared, and other Granularity security controls.

With account level document encryption, even if downloaded locally, documents cannot be opened, ensuring security and reliability; Resigned employees can retrieve their permissions with one click to avoid data leakage. Degree segmentation security control.