
Refprop is a physical property database of NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). Its full name is the Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Database, which refers to the database of fluid thermodynamics and transport properties. The code in NIST's SRD (Standard Reference Data) is SRD 23. At present, its official website displays version V10.0, which contains 147 commonly used pure fluids and more than 20 mixtures.

Software features

From the literature retrieved, REFPROP has been used as a crop based data source in many research projects or as a reference data source for calculating the accuracy of results.

REFPROP (Reference Fluid Properties) is an internationally authoritative software for calculating the physical properties of working fluids, developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States.


Draw Graph
There are many controls on the drawing dialog box:

Change residential community specifications

Place the mouse at the bottom right of the drawing window; The mouse cursor needs to be changed from "+" to a bidirectional arrow. To adjust the plot, hold down the mouse button while dragging the drawing dialog box at the bottom right to a different type of location (just like you can adjust most of the dialog boxes on your computer).

Moving the drawing label:

The drawing label should be placed on the drawing dialog box of the labeling command. The text is initially placed in the core of the drawing window, but it can be moved to all parts. If you want to move the text item, please place the mouse cursor over the text item. Hold down the computer mouse and drag the text down to the original location.

Cross hairs:

Hold down the Shift key to indicate the bridge section of the cross hair line. The coordinates of the cross hairs (in the enterprise that matches the drawing axis) are displayed at the top of the graph.


Click on the computer mouse and drag to create a box. When the mouse button is released, the image in the box will gradually become the drawing area. To make it smaller, click on "Make Small" in the drawing menu bar, or enter "Ctrl O" (hold down the "Manipulation" button, mark it as "Ctrl", and press the English letter "O"). Returning to the original, non magnified image, click on the "trick to enlarge the entire frame" menu bar, or press "press" (hold down the "manipulation" button, mark the application, and follow the English letter "F").

Characteristics of the modified curve:

Double click the mouse anywhere in the drawing square. The prompt box for modifying the graph occurs, just like the command for modifying the graph is transmitted.

Import a point into the table:

When the right mouse button is clicked on the drawing area, the clearance will be marked as a circle, and the characteristic values at the specified status point will appear on the most recently viewed watch (established from the calculated/specified status point). If there is no activity table, mouse clicks only mark the point with a circle. Import the point into the bridge section of this method, and then delete the electrode connection line according to the input modification diagram selection item.

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