

Faceware analysis software is a professional facial expression tracking and data analysis software that can quickly analyze facial expression animations performed by actors, export them to animation software, and use matching plugins for data matching.

The characteristics of Faceware analysis software




Expression and image tracking for complete facial data analysis

Analyzer is a high-quality production software that tracks facial expressions in videos through machine learning and deep learning. It uses unmarked technology to track all facial expressions with high quality.

Powerful toolset and intuitive workflow

Looking for facial tracking software used by professionals around the world, that's it. Faceware products have been used in thousands of professional projects, and we are constantly improving them. Analyzer is a powerful tool for professional facial tracking.

Eyes are the key to emotions and expressions

Eyes can express the emotions and credibility of any performance. Our advanced pixel tracking technology can provide eye and line of sight tracking, further reducing the difference between actors and digital characters.


Patents and Superb Technology

Our technology is based on Image Metrics consumer grade technology, which means that analysis software can work under any conditions. Enjoy the exclusive feature of constructing millions of facial expression images. Our patent consists entirely of nearly 20 years of practical experience in facial expression tracking.



Features of Faceware Analysis Software


Parameterization is a process of extracting additional facial movements from our feature tracker by sampling each pixel of each analyzed video frame. Parameterization can capture facial expression data such as upper cheeks, lower eyelids, and lower jaw regions without any additional input from the user.

·Output tracking model

If users need to process a large number of videos, Analyzer Studio Plus has the ability to export the statistical tracking data you created on the first video to help track any other videos with the same actor. This allows large-scale projects to benefit from our machine learning technology, especially if there are a large number of facial expressions from the same actors.




·Automation API

The analysis software includes a complete set of batch API commands and parameter libraries, which can access almost any part of the analysis software workflow. This library allows users to create semi automated and fully automated workflows. We can process facial animations for tens of thousands of seconds without the need for individual user input.

·Intelligent drag and drop

We have conducted extensive research on facial tracking and are constantly searching for ways to improve workflow. Creating tracking data using a feature called Intelligent Drag is very simple. Once a landmark tracking point is correctly placed on the face, all other tracking points can be quickly placed on the face.


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